Talents are not the only mechanism the Talent Exchange offers to facilitate transactions with others. The CES platform provides a range of exchange options including gifting, bartering, swapping, time recording and record keeping. The ‘official’ (Rand) money system presents itself as a monopoly, as if it is the only method of facilitating exchange. This has […]
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Year: 2016
Tip: How to make a ‘payment’ on CTTE
Have you ever wondered why the Talent Exchange works the other way around from the ‘normal’ Rand-based economy. In the latter, buyer’s pay sellers whereas in the Exchange it is the seller who seems to ‘take’ from the buyer. In other words, in the Rand economy the buyer is the active party and the seller […]
Tip: Hide your offerings if you are not ...
How many times have you responded to an offering, only to be told by the seller that they are not accepting Talents at the present time. After all, the times are hard and they have bills to pay, and Talents can’t be used to pay the rent! One’s first response is to request the advertiser […]
Tip: Are your offerings still valid?
There are 6058 active members listed on the Cape Town Talent Exchange, yet there are only 1021 offerings listed, many of which are the second, third and fourth offerings of the same member. This tells us that most members have no offerings, even though one of the conditions of using the Talent Exchange is that […]
Tip: Credit and Debit Limits
Have you ever wondered what the credit and debit limits mean? If you have just joined the CTTE you will find that your credit limit is +T5000 while your debit limit is -T500. If your new account starts with a balance of zero, why are the limits not symmetrical? In the beginning the debit limit […]
Tip: Jazz up your adverts for trading su...
The core of the Talent Exchange is its Offerings and Wants lists – the adverts describing what members are willing to provide and what they require. Yet if you look at the descriptions of many of the offerings you would think that some members are not there to provide anything; they are only there to […]
Tip: Make use of the CTTE Facebook pages
The Cape Town Talent Exchange has two Facebook pages: the CTTE – Cape Town Talent Exchange group and the Cape Town Talent Exchange Trading Group. The former is where you can find out about the latest events relating to the CTTE, while the latter is intended as another place to advertise your offerings and wants. […]
Tip: The Talent Exchange is not just abo...
Because Talents work in a way similar to Rands, most of us think of the Talent Exchange as a ‘money substitute’. In a sense it is, because the Talent Exchange is a mechanism that facilitates exchange, much the same as regular money does. However, using a medium of exchange (Rands) or keeping records (Talents) are […]
The Credit Commons
The CREDIT COMMONS is a proposed accounting system to allow users of any local currency to exchange with any other. It is an open protocol that builds on hundreds of existing initiatives. It is based on sound monetary principles, uses decentralised credit and infrastructure and scales fractally. Download the White Paper Visit the Credit Commons […]
Tip: Don’t Forget to Advertise Your Want
In the Talent Exchange there is a tendency to focus on Offerings rather than Wants. This is understandable as most of us use the exchange to see what it has to offers us in much the same way as we look at shop catalogues, advertisements and online mail-order sites. Additionally we are obliged to advertise […]