From time to time issues arise in the Talent Exchange that anger and irritate users: members exceeding their debit and credit limits; members having no offerings; members asking for more Rands than Talents; members using the exchange to promote their Rand businesses; flaky, meaningless offerings given in order to get an account; members who never respond to […]
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Month: January 2019
Are Talents Money?
From time to time the Talent Exchange gets accused of being “just another money system”. Is this the case? Are Talents just another form of money? To be able to answer this question, we first need to be clear on what money is. Then we can make the comparison. According to the classical definition, money is anything […]
The Talent Exchange’s Magic Number: Zero
In the conventional economy there is no magic number. The object of the money game is to get the highest number possible — to get rich! Being rich is described as “successful” and when we are rich we can engage in some ostentatious spending so that our friends and neighbours can see that we are […]