If you do not wish all your contact details to display when other users look up your name, it is easy to hide what you don’t want displayed. Details that are not hidden are visible to all users of the CES, not just CTTE users. Your details are not visible to the general public, however.
To hide your details, log into the desktop site and then click on the [My Record] button at the top. This will take you to your personal record. Those items that can be hidden have a ‘Hide’ checkbox next to them. Check the items that you no long wish to be displayed, and then click the [Update] button.
It is better to hide location details than remove them because if someone wants to search for users in your suburb, for example, you will not be found.
This is also a reminder for you to check your personal details and make sure that they are correct. If you change anything, remember to click the [Update] button to save the changes.
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