If you have recently changed your password and now find that you can’t log in using your mobile phone, here are a few tips to help you deal with it. This login problem only seems to happen with mobile phones. If you have changed your password, you should be able to log in on the desktop site at www.ctte.org.za or […]
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Author: ctte
“New Economy” or “Noconomy”
In the midst of the Coronacrisis we hear many calls for a “new economy”. These come from both sides: from the upholders of the current economy, and from those who have always longed for a more relaxed, less destructive and exploitative one. Is it possible to create a “new economy” by reforming the current one; […]
What is the Difference Between Talents a...
Many who join the Talent Exchange see little difference between Talents and money. After all, both are used in a similar way to “get stuff”. Some believe that both are representations of “energy” and ultimately “do the same thing”. On a superficial level, these observations are correct. Both are a means of exchange, used to […]
Tip: Where are All the Offerings?
The Talent Exchange is a place of giving and receiving. In order to receive, you must give. If everyone wants to receive but no one gives, there will be nothing to receive. It is a very simple circular scheme. Offerings and Wants are two sides of the same coin. To receive what you want, you must first think of what […]
Free Yourself from the Grids!
In last week’s post we discussed the notion of self-reliance. This week we continue along the same vein, but look at what it is that keeps us dependent and reliant on the unreliable reality that was once called “normal”. Our dependency comes through our reliance on the various grids that make up the matrix woven around us. “Grids” […]
Rediscover Self-Reliance
The government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak has impoverished millions, created massive unemployment, destroyed businesses, disrupted supply chains and eroded our freedoms. We are left on our own to cope with the aftermath, meaning that we have to take personal responsibility for our lives. Consequently, there has been a turn towards self-reliance and a realisation […]
Start Producing!
The Talent Exchange is an exchange system. It is designed to facilitate exchange without using money. But, as we have witnessed during this period of lockdown, it is not terribly useful when we are not in a position to physically provide or receive much. The money-based exchange system appears to continue working because some “essential” […]
The Talent Exchange is NOT on Lockdown!
Unlike other notices you have received from service providers and event organisers recently, informing you that services or events are suspended/cancelled for the period of the lockdown, this one is to inform you that the Talent Exchange is NOT suspended during this period. On the contrary, now is the time to get on board with the Talent […]
Tip: How to hide your personal details
If you do not wish all your contact details to display when other users look up your name, it is easy to hide what you don’t want displayed. Details that are not hidden are visible to all users of the CES, not just CTTE users. Your details are not visible to the general public, however. […]
Talent Exchange Etiquette
The Talent Exchange is a community using a range of non-monetary exchange methods to exchange what they can provide and do for each other. As such, it embraces trust, honesty, respect, care, personal responsibility, mutual aid and a cooperative spirit. As we know, this is the opposite of what is common in the regular money economy: lack of […]