There is actually no such thing as “making a payment” on CES because there is nothing to “pay” with! On the CES platform all we do after a transaction has taken place is to record the details of it. Normally this is done by the provider of the goods or service (the “seller”). The reason […]
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Author: ctte
Tip: How to check user balances
When you are providing something, especially something of considerable value, it is good to know beforehand if the member who will receive it is a responsible trader. By ‘responsible’ we mean someone who is not a ‘taker’ and who gives back to the community more or less the same amount as they receive. It is […]
Is the Talent Exchange a Bartering Syste...
Have you ever had to explain what the Talent Exchange is to someone who has never heard about it? Usually the conversation goes something like this: “So what is this Talent Exchange thing?” “It’s a system where people buy and sell without using money.” “Oh, you mean a bartering system?” “No, it’s not barter because […]
“I have too many Talents and can’t find
How many times have you heard members report that they have removed or hidden their offers because they “have too many Talents” and can’t find anything to spend them on? In other words, they are now inactive and have decided to defer their claim against the community until “the community” offers something worthwhile. While this […]
Who is the Talent Exchange ‘Policeman’?
From time to time issues arise in the Talent Exchange that anger and irritate users: members exceeding their debit and credit limits; members having no offerings; members asking for more Rands than Talents; members using the exchange to promote their Rand businesses; flaky, meaningless offerings given in order to get an account; members who never respond to […]
Are Talents Money?
From time to time the Talent Exchange gets accused of being “just another money system”. Is this the case? Are Talents just another form of money? To be able to answer this question, we first need to be clear on what money is. Then we can make the comparison. According to the classical definition, money is anything […]
The Talent Exchange’s Magic Number: Zero
In the conventional economy there is no magic number. The object of the money game is to get the highest number possible — to get rich! Being rich is described as “successful” and when we are rich we can engage in some ostentatious spending so that our friends and neighbours can see that we are […]
What Can I Offer?
Many potential members, when applying to join the Talent Exchange, have a problem when faced with deciding what they will offer the community. “I don’t have anything to offer”, “I’ve got nothing that anyone wants”, “I don’t think anyone would want what I do at work”, “I don’t have any useful skills” or “I’m pretty […]
CTTE Exchange Options
The Talent Exchange is not just about Talents. The recording of transactions involving the crediting and debiting of Talents is just one of several exchange methods offered by the CES online platform. Others exchange methods are: Swapping/exchanging: This is the exchange of one explicit service or good for another. Examples are: doing the accounting for ongoing medical […]
Use Your Phone to Take Pictures of Offer...
The CTTE mobile site has been upgraded to allow you to take and upload photos directly from your mobile device (smartphone, tablet). You can now take pictures of offerings, wants, announcements and yourself directly from the web app. No longer do you have to take pictures with your camera, transfer them to your PC and […]