The word exchange appears frequently in the Cape Town Talent Exchange and the Community Exchange System but we rarely see it used in the regular Rand economy. Is there no exchange in the Rand economy; only buying and selling? From an early age we learn that if we can ‘get’ money then we can ‘get’ […]
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Category: Talent Exchange Tips
Tips on how to use the Talent Exchange
Tip: Checking balances
If someone contacts you about something you are providing on the Talent Exchange, you should always check their trading record before agreeing to provide what you are offering. Many members are deeply in debit, meaning that they have received more than they have given. Some are right at the baseline of their debit limit (T500 […]
Tip: Private Ledgers
The main accounting system of CTTE is on a public ledger. This means that when you enter a transaction against someone the details are recorded on a single, shared and centralised ledger. Each transaction record consists of the following data: seller, buyer, seller’s exchange, buyer’s exchange, description, amount, levy and date. While each record records […]
How many ways are there to trade?
Most of us think of money as some kind of universal phenomenon, like matter and energy. It has even been said that money IS energy, or it is LIKE energy because without it everything comes to a halt, just like a car without petrol! So is it possible to have a world without money? That […]
New Feature: Shared Offerings
A new offering type has been added to the options when adding a new offering. In addition to Talent-only, gift, swap, barter and mixed (Talents and Rands), there is now a sixth offering type: share. Description Shared offerings are where the advertiser invites others to share a resource, item, activity, experience or action, rather than […]
Tip: Finding Offerings on Other Exchange...
The Cape Town Talent Exchange is not an isolated island down at the bottom of Africa; it is just one exchange in a global network of hundreds of CES exchanges. Soon there will be even more than that as CES connects with other networks around the world. While it is true that many offerings only […]
Tip: Log in with your email address
It is now possible to log into your Talent Exchange account with your email address instead of your account number. This feature was added because so many members forget their account numbers and don’t know how to look it up. Now, whenever you encounter a login form on the CTTE or CES websites, enter your email […]
Tip: How to advertise on other exchanges
One of the great features of the CES is that you can advertise your Offerings, Wants and Announcements on other exchanges. This means that if you want to ‘expand your market’ in order to sell what you offer, you are not restricted to the Cape Town Talent Exchange, and if you require something from a […]
Tip: Your monthly statement
The statement that you get from the CTTE admin at the start of each month is like the statement you get from you regular bank each month: a record of your transactions in the past month and your current balance of account. It is not an invoice requesting payment (there is no such thing as […]
Tip: How to retrieve your login details
Have you forgotten the login details for your Cape Town Talent Exchange account? If so, they are very easy to retrieve, without sending an email to Admin! To find your account number and create a new password, if necessary, go to the CTTE web site at and hover your mouse over the [Login] button. On the drop-down menu […]