The core of the Talent Exchange is its Offerings and Wants lists – the adverts describing what members are willing to provide and what they require. Yet if you look at the descriptions of many of the offerings you would think that some members are not there to provide anything; they are only there to […]
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Category: Talent Exchange Tips
Tips on how to use the Talent Exchange
Tip: Make use of the CTTE Facebook pages
The Cape Town Talent Exchange has two Facebook pages: the CTTE – Cape Town Talent Exchange group and the Cape Town Talent Exchange Trading Group. The former is where you can find out about the latest events relating to the CTTE, while the latter is intended as another place to advertise your offerings and wants. […]
Tip: The Talent Exchange is not just abo...
Because Talents work in a way similar to Rands, most of us think of the Talent Exchange as a ‘money substitute’. In a sense it is, because the Talent Exchange is a mechanism that facilitates exchange, much the same as regular money does. However, using a medium of exchange (Rands) or keeping records (Talents) are […]
Tip: Don’t Forget to Advertise Your Want
In the Talent Exchange there is a tendency to focus on Offerings rather than Wants. This is understandable as most of us use the exchange to see what it has to offers us in much the same way as we look at shop catalogues, advertisements and online mail-order sites. Additionally we are obliged to advertise […]
Tip: The Buddy System
Are you aware of the Talent Exchange buddy system? We implemented the buddy system a few years ago in order to encourage members to get others to join the Talent Exchange. When someone joins CTTE and indicates which member encouraged them to join, that member becomes their buddy. The duty of the buddy is to […]
Tip: Use your mobile phone for trading c...
Are you aware that there is a separate mobile interface for the Cape Town Talent Exchange? With your smart phone, go to and access your CTTE account wherever you are. The mobile site is a cut-down version of the full site, but it has all the main functions that allow you to enter trades, […]
Tip: You don’t need to be in credit befo
One of the most difficult concepts that new members have to get their heads around is that you don’t need to have anything in your account before you can start trading. Talents, the name of our ‘currency’, is a unit of measure like a kilogram or a kilometre. Instead of measuring weight or distance it […]
Tip: Who Should I Sell To?
If you place an offering ad on the CTTE web site and several people respond to it, don’t just sell it to the first who phones or emails you. It is very important for the health of the exchange that the members themselves discourage “free loaders” and encourage those who trade honestly and regularly. The […]
Good Times, Bad Times
History has shown that there is an inverse relationship between the growth of alternative ‘currencies’ and the health of the conventional economy. When times are ‘good’ and the money is flowing, alternative currencies tend to take a back seat, but when money is scarce alternative forms of exchange become more attractive. Before that happens, however, […]
Tip: Show Your Gratitude
Have you ever entered a Recommendation about a seller after receiving a service or some goods? It is important that we express our gratitude and appreciation if we receive something that impresses. This way we can help each other build up our trading reputations. A trader with a good reputation helps others decide which provider […]