Login AccountHave you forgotten the login details for your Cape Town Talent Exchange account? If so, they are very easy to retrieve, without sending an email to Admin!

To find your account number and create a new password, if necessary, go to the CTTE web site at ctte.org.za and hover your mouse over the [Login] button. On the drop-down menu you will see Forgotten your login? Click on that and you will be taken to a Find Your Account form:

  1. If you know your account number, enter it in the text box and click the [Search] button. If you entered the correct account number it will display your account details. Click on the [Continue] button to be emailed a link where you can reset your password.
  2. If you do not know your account number enter your full name, email address or phone number and click the [Search] button. Hopefully it will find your record. If it finds your record, click on the [Continue] button to be emailed a link where you can reset your password.
  3. If the above two options do not reveal your account number, click on the I can’t find my account number link. On the I Can’t Find My Account Number form, fill in CTTE for exchange code. Then fill in one detail at a time and click the [Search] button. Continue searching with different details until it finds your account. If you find your account, click on the [Continue] button to be emailed a link where you can reset your password.
  4. If you really can’t find your account number, you may be a member of another CES exchange. Go back to option 3 above and select a different exchange, perhaps the one closest to where you live.
  5. If you absolutely, really can’t find your account details then write to the Administrator at admin@ctte.org.za.

Please do not use option 5 as your first choice for login recovery. The administrator will know if you have not searched for your details as described above and probably not respond! In any case the administrator cannot provide your password, only your account number.

Another way to find your account number is to look at the monthly statement of account that you receive, or from one of the [log in] links in the weekly newsletter. If you hover your mouse over one of the links, you will see at the bottom of your browser the full address of the link-back, which contains your account number.

Good luck and hope to see you back online soon!